Bike Choice - What Exactly to Look For

Popular methods of transport have altered in recent times. More and more people are leaving the car behind in favor of the bicycle, in the west the car reigned supreme but we are now seeing a growth in popularity of the bike. Perhaps the trend can be put down to 'green' thinking, or maybe just the prices of gas are starting to get to people. Whatever the reason, there are more cyclists on the road than ever. Have you been tempted to use a bike for your everyday transport needs? If this is the case it is important you know what to look for, the following tips will help you in your quest to find a suitable bike.

You want to first and foremost, ensure that you are able to come to a stop on your bicycle, and the key to that is selecting a bicycle that allows you to rest your feet flat on the ground, when you are sitting on the seat. There are experts who state that this isn't a good way to choose a bike, however. These experts say in order to have the best cycling experience you can, you should allow for a few inches between the ground and your feet. The seat will usually sit a little low and too close to the crossbar if you are able to bend your knees while your feet are on the ground and your backside is on the bicycle’s seat. This is because when you are pedaling with this bike, your knees are going to come up too high.

For a road bike you should take away 9" from the inseam measurement you took earlier. This is because of the size of the tires on your road bike. These tires will be thinner and designed for efficiency on concrete roads or pavements. For a mountain bike take away 12 inches from your inseam. This is because the tires of a mountain bike are different than those on a road bike. Mountain bike tires will be thick and designed for mountainous terrain. It is possible to use mountain bikes for city cycling although this is not what they are best suited for.

When getting a bike for kids you need to consider some altogether different criteria. You will want to choose a bicycle that is sturdy with wide tires and easy to use brakes (most see this page children’s brakes operate by moving the pedals backwards). You will want to find a reasonably priced bike because children will grow quickly, and it will also have to look good because looks are everything to the young.

Your main priority is the physical fit of your bike. If you intend to use your bike a lot, perhaps as your main method of transport, it is important you keep this in mind. Safety is important when on a bike but do not overlook comfort, otherwise those long rides will soon grow tiresome.

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